Are you an environmentally responsible landscaper? It’s not something people often think about when they begin to dig up dirt and plant trees and bushes around their home. However, landscaping can have a profound impact on the local environs. Responsible...
After a brutal winter including the polar vortex and snow storm after snow storm your garden and flower beds have taken a beating. One of the best things you can do to get your planting areas ready for a new growing season is to mulch them. Mulching is putting a...
Ahh, summer. Hopefully you’re enjoying a few lazy summer days in the hammock and feeling pretty refreshed. It’s also a great time to refresh your garden—or even add a new one. Summer Garden Tips Adding new plants Hearty produce like sweet potato leaves, Perpetual and...
As the clock begins ticking for the worst of winter weather to begin winding down, many homeowners start eyeing their lawns longingly. It won’t be long before those bedraggled flower beds will be filled with the bright colors of spring flowers. Although colorful...
Did you know that, within the past year, about 164 million Americans have tried their hands at gardening and landscaping? Many people are increasingly interested in going outdoors more as a way to reconnect with the world, having become familiar with the feeling of...
The many uses of wood chips! Not only are they in abundant supply (from road crews, electric companies, and tree service companies) but they’re also easy and tempting to use them everywhere. Here are the top places we’ve see them used. Mulch with Wood Chips Old,...